
Urocolor 10 Parameter Urine Test Strips (100)

Original price was: ₹1,499.00.Current price is: ₹999.00.

How to Perform Urine Testing with the UroColor Series

Performing urine testing with the UroColor Series is straightforward, but it’s essential to follow the instructions carefully to ensure accurate results. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Gather Supplies: Ensure you have the UroColor Series testing kit, a clean collection container, and a timer.
  2. Collect Urine Sample: Collect a midstream urine sample in the clean container. This means starting to urinate, then collecting the sample midstream to reduce contamination.
  3. Prepare Testing Strips: Open the UroColor Series testing strip and hold it at the colored end (without touching the test pads).
  4. Dip and Wait: Dip the test strip into the urine sample for the specified time (usually a few seconds to a minute as per the instructions).
  5. Compare Results: After the specified waiting time, compare the color changes on the test pads to the color chart provided with the UroColor Series testing kit.
  6. Record and Interpret Results: Record the results for each parameter tested and interpret them based on the reference ranges provided in the kit’s instructions.
  7. Dispose of Test Strip: Dispose of the used test strip according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Product Details
Brand: SD / Abbot

DIY Urine Testing: Understanding the UroColor Series

Urine testing is a valuable diagnostic tool that provides insights into various aspects of health by analyzing the composition of urine. The UroColor Series is a comprehensive urine testing kit that enables individuals to test for multiple parameters at home, offering convenience and timely insights into potential health concerns. This DIY guide aims to help you understand the UroColor Series and how to perform urine testing at home effectively.

What Can You Test With the UroColor Series?

The UroColor Series allows for testing the following parameters in urine:

  • Blood: Detects the presence of blood in urine, which may indicate various conditions like urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or kidney disease.
  • Bilirubin: Measures bilirubin levels, which can be elevated in liver diseases or conditions affecting the liver’s ability to process bilirubin.
  • Urobilinogen: Assesses urobilinogen levels, which can be abnormal in liver disease, hemolytic anemia, or certain metabolic disorders.
  • Ketone: Detects the presence of ketones, which may indicate diabetic ketoacidosis, fasting, or a low-carbohydrate diet.
  • Protein: Measures protein levels in urine, which can be elevated in conditions like kidney disease, diabetes, or hypertension.
  • Nitrite: Detects nitrite in urine, which can indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI).
  • Glucose: Measures glucose levels in urine, which can be elevated in diabetes or conditions affecting glucose metabolism.
  • pH: Assesses the acidity or alkalinity of urine, which can be influenced by diet, medications, or underlying health conditions.
  • Specific Gravity: Measures the concentration of urine, which can provide information about hydration status, kidney function, or metabolic disorders.
  • Leucocytes: Detects white blood cells in urine, which can indicate a UTI or other inflammatory conditions.
  • Ascorbic Acid: Measures ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) levels in urine, which can be influenced by diet or supplements.

How to Perform Urine Testing with the UroColor Series

Performing urine testing with the UroColor Series is straightforward, but it’s essential to follow the instructions carefully to ensure accurate results. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Gather Supplies: Ensure you have the UroColor Series testing kit, a clean collection container, and a timer.
  2. Collect Urine Sample: Collect a midstream urine sample in the clean container. This means starting to urinate, then collecting the sample midstream to reduce contamination.
  3. Prepare Testing Strips: Open the UroColor Series testing strip and hold it at the colored end (without touching the test pads).
  4. Dip and Wait: Dip the test strip into the urine sample for the specified time (usually a few seconds to a minute as per the instructions).
  5. Compare Results: After the specified waiting time, compare the color changes on the test pads to the color chart provided with the UroColor Series testing kit.
  6. Record and Interpret Results: Record the results for each parameter tested and interpret them based on the reference ranges provided in the kit’s instructions.
  7. Dispose of Test Strip: Dispose of the used test strip according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Interpreting Results

It’s essential to interpret the results accurately based on the reference ranges provided in the UroColor Series testing kit. Results that fall outside the normal range may indicate a potential health concern and should be discussed with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and diagnosis.


The UroColor Series offers a convenient and comprehensive way to perform urine testing at home, providing insights into various aspects of health. Regular urine testing can help monitor health, detect potential issues early, and facilitate timely intervention when needed. If you notice any abnormal results or have concerns about your health, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized advice.

Remember, while DIY urine testing with the UroColor Series can provide valuable information, it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always prioritize your health and seek medical attention when needed to ensure optimal well-being.


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