hospital bed near couch


HWC are envisaged to deliver expanded range services that go beyond Maternal and child health care services to include care for non -communicable diseases, palliative and rehabilitative care, Oral, Eye and ENT care, mental health and first level care for emergencies and trauma , including free essential drugs and diagnostic services

Expanded range of services

The expansion of services has been planned in incremental manner. As a first step, Screening, Prevention, Control and Management of Non-communicable Diseases and Chronic Communicable diseases like Tuberculosis and Leprosy has been introduced at HWCs.

  • Care in pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Neonatal and infant health care services
  • Childhood and adolescent health care services.
  • Family planning, Contraceptive services and Other Reproductive Health Care services
  • Management of Communicable diseases: National Health Programs
  • Management of Common Communicable Diseases and General Out-patient care for acute simple illnesses and minor ailments
  • Screening, Prevention, Control and Management of Non-Communicable diseases and chronic communicable disease like TB and Leprosy
  • Basic Oral health care
  • Care for Common Ophthalmic and ENT problems
  • Elderly and Palliative health care services
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Screening and Basic management of Mental health ailment

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