
16 Things To Do for Joint Pain,
When Your Hips, Knees, Back, Shoulders or Feet Hurt

Your joints can hurt and cause pain because of many problems like injuries, arthritis, infection, illness, bone spurs, an allergic reactions to medication, or daily use. These conditions lead to inflammation, aching and joint pain. You are not the only one with these hurts, because one in four people experience joint pain regularly in the feet, hips, knees, back, shoulders or other joints.

Why do your joints hurt? A joint is the point where two bones come together. The elbows, wrist, back, neck, shoulders, hips and knees are some of the important joints. Surrounding each joint is cartilage, a firm tissue that provides a cushion and allows the bones to work together. When cartilage breaks down due to injuries or arthritis, this cushion around the joint fails, causing bones to rub directly against one another. The result is pain or inflammation, a condition where the body’s immune system begins to fight healthy tissue, causing redness and swelling.

To treat joint pain and relieve the hurt, you first need to determine what causes it. Then you can proceed with a treatment plan. Often a combination approach of two or more treatments will provide better relief. You are right to be concerned about joint pain. Ignoring it may cause more damage. When your joints hurt, it could be a symptom of disease. A number of diseases cause joint pain, among them are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, rheumatic fever, lyme disease, osteoarthritis, gout, and trauma. An excessive use of Vitamin A will also cause your joints to hurt.

Relieve Mild Hurt and Pain in the Back, Knees, Hip, Shoulders, Feet and Other Joints

  1. If your pain is mild or occasional, you probably suspect that the cause is overexercise or overuse of the joint. Your first recourse is to avoid heavy exercise and let the joint rest as much as possible.
  2. brace, for the knee, elbow, shoulder, or back, will help support the joint while it heals.
  3. Elevate the joint to reduce pain. This is possible with hip, knee, arm, feet and other painful joints.
  4. Take over-the-counter medication to reduce inflammation, like ibuprofen.
  5. An ice pack applied on the joint will also provide relief by reducing swelling and numbing the pain. Wrap the ice pack in a towel to protect your skin.
  6. Gentle stimulation, massage and acupuncture are used to reduce joint pain. Naturally, you’ll want to consult a doctor before any exertion of the joint.
  7. Chiropractic manipulation has often been successful in the relief from pain, particularly for back pain.
  8. An analgesic heat rub available over the counter, like Bengay, is often relied on to relieve muscle and joint pain. The active ingredients are methyl salicylate and menthol.
  9. Several natural supplements are known to help build stronger joints, reduce swelling and relieve the pain. They are Calcium, MSM, Glucosamine and Chrondroitin, Omega-3, and Vitamin C. More about natural supplements follows below.
  10. Maybe your joints are carrying too much weight. Your hips, knees, back and feet are strained by overweight. A serious weight loss program is often recommended so you can return to pain-free mobility.
  11. physical therapist can help improve your joint mobility and relieve your pain with a prescribed program of gentle, targeted exercise.
  12. When infection is the underlying reason for joint pain, your physician will prescribe antibiotics.
  13. If your joint pain is related to the dysfunction of your immune system, your physician will choose an immuno-suppressant to prescribe.
  14. Pain management techniques help manage persistent pain that cannot be relieved by conventional methods.
  15. For persistent joint pain, an orthopedic surgeon can reduce the inflammation with injections of joint fluid, which lubricates the joint and encourages cartilage to repair.
  16. As a last resort, if joint pain is excruciating and interferes with daily activity, your physician will recommend surgery. Knee, hip, back, elbow and shoulder surgery often uses minimally invasive techniques that allow you to recover quicker. May people choose joint replacement surgery for severely damaged joints.

Natural Supplements Relieve Pain When Your Back, Hips, Knees and Other Joints Hurt

Natural supplements are recommended to build strong joints. They reduce inflammation in the back, knees, ankles, shoulders and other joints and thus relieve joint pain. These formulations for joint health include vitamins and minerals known to improve joints and reduce pain.

  1. Calcium is vital for bone health. It is often combined with Vitamin D and Magnesium to increase the absorbency of the calcium.
  2. Vitamin C produces the collagen your joints require for flexibility. It will aid in your recovery from joint pain.
  3. MSM supplement taken daily helps lubricate your joints, allow movement and reduce pain. MSM is often suggested for arthritis relief. MSM, also known as Methylsulfonylmethane, is a naturally occurring member of the sulfur family.
  4. Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements, available together, support joint health by increasing fluid in the joint cartilage and connective tissue.
  5. An omega-3 supplement, like fish oil or flax seed oil, provides healthy fatty acids. Among its many benefits, omega-3 helps with the symptoms of joint pain and stiffness. And your body cannot produce omega-3 unless your diet provides it.

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